A Question I Often Get Asked

Aug 15, 2024

Hello Dearest Reader,

I hope this message finds you well and thriving! 

Over the past few weeks, I’ve reconnected with many old friends and former clients.

It’s been a joy catching up with people I care about and hearing what they’ve been doing.

When we discuss work, I often get asked...

“Shailia, are you only teaching & coaching with the '3 Principles' now?”

It’s a tricky question because I always apply my understanding of the '3 Principles' in my coaching, no matter the topic.

But the answer is "no," as I work with coaches, consultants, experts, and healers every week. In fact, ...

Most of my current clients are business and marketing-focused, outnumbering my life coaching clients.

I love this work...

We dive into creating transformative offers, developing aligned pricingcommunicating with presence and love, and profoundly serving clients and customers.

More than that, it’s about 'soulpreneurs' calming their busy minds, resting and resetting, and discovering the simple yet powerful guidance within themselves.

This way, they can...

  • Make a good living doing what they love,
  • work when it’s time to work and play when it’s time to play,
  • share their life-changing knowledge and create what they want to see in the world.

How this unfolds varies greatly, depending on the individual, their unique expression, & own inner wisdom.

Some clients focus on human connection and growing their business through genuine, heart-to-heart conversations. When people join their webinars or get-acquainted calls, it feels more like talking to friends than strangers.

Others prefer to be thought leaders, inspiring their communities through motivational talks, clever self-reflection methods, and a touch of tough love (a.k.a. butt-kicking). Their online summits and workshops are stimulating and uplifting.

Some are quieter, with a well-defined niche and a knack for writing and SEO. Their clients discover them while searching for solutions on their phones during sleepless nights. When they show up, they help their clients heal & unlock their potential.

An expert winemaker I coached with recently is all about creativity. She chooses a theme for each harvest and immerses herself in the vineyard to manifest her vision. Wine buyers from around the globe come to her via word of mouth.

And me? One of my favorite things is sharing stories that make things tangible and inspire hope—i.e., if someone else can find inner peace or achieve simple success, so can you.

We’re all unique, and there are countless ways to create a business you love that sustains you.

Isn’t that amazing and hopeful?!

I’ll gladly repeat it…

All you need to do is calm your mind, rest your body, come alive, be yourself, move when the Spirit whispers, "go," and create what is coming through you again and again.

The rest will unfold gorgeously & generously in Divine Time. (Be patient.)

Witnessing this is one of the most beautiful parts of my work with ‘soulpreneurs.’

I'd love to chat if you’re curious about how we can work together to achieve your business goals.

Let’s schedule a call to explore how I can support you in creating your dream business and simpler success.


I am looking forward to connecting!

Much love, 



If you can’t find a suitable time because you are in a time zone other than Central European Time, reply to this email and let me know. I am sure we can find something to accommodate your schedule.


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