Waking Up With Hope

Mar 25, 2025

When I woke at 4 a.m. in fear...
What I remembered that brought me back to peace

Dear Reader,

I first felt the HOPEFULNESS of the Three Principles in 2020, when Lea Wernli and I spoke with twenty-one 3P coaches and mentors from around the globe for our My Secret Life summit.

In those conversations, something began to shift in me. I didn’t just hear their words—I felt the peace behind them.

Each story offered our listeners the gentle hope that maybe, just maybe, there was nothing wrong with them… and that they had never been broken.

Each person we spoke with had their own challenges to face and a dream held quietly in their heart:

Dr. Dicken Bettinger was mentally tired from four-hour meditations, dream journaling, and constant affirmations (so much work!) just to feel okay. His dream? To wake up feeling happy and at peace.

Mary Schiller had lived through a deeply painful marriage that affected her child in ways she couldn’t control. Doctors told her she was irreversibly traumatized. Her dream was simple, yet profound: to be well again.

Nicola Bird, despite running a million-dollar coaching business, was housebound with crippling anxiety and agoraphobia. In reaching for success, she had lost herself. She longed for simplicity — to know it, be it, live it.

What each of them came to see — the insight that changed everything and helped their dreams unfold — was the same at its core:

We are LIFE itself, living through a human experience.

When we believe our stressful thoughts, we suffer.

When we return to our true nature — to love and wisdom — and follow the quiet feeling within, the suffering lifts.

Our peace returns. Our potential awakens.

And life, remarkably, begins to flow again.

That’s the practical understanding and, in some ways, the promise of the Three Principles. And that’s the HOPE available to anyone reading these words — yes, even you!!

It’s my dream for you: that you wake up feeling HOPEFUL.

I want to share a recent moment in my own life that reminded me of how this is possible…

Right now, I’m writing to you from the dining room table in my parents-in-law’s home. They’re in their mid to late 80s and are walking through a tender and challenging season of life, both following a serious diagnosis.

My deepest wish is to be a loving presence for them — to walk beside them with gentleness and care. Yesterday, I sat by my father-in-law’s bedside for hours as he struggled to breathe. There was nothing I could do, really. Just be there. Hold space. Offer quiet companionship.

Last night, I woke around 4 a.m. with my heart racing and my mind full of anxious thoughts. Fear rushed in — about the future, what’s to come, and how we’ll manage. For a moment, it felt like too much. I imagined fleeing, quietly slipping out, and driving the three hours home in the dark alone.

But as I lay there, something truer surfaced…

I remembered: I am LIFE itself, having a human experience. I saw how I was caught up in thought — and how that was creating the very suffering I was feeling.

So I turned inward and offered a quiet prayer, asking to be brought back to the calm that lives beneath the fear. To the well-being that’s always there, waiting.

I fell asleep again. And I woke up feeling HOPEFUL.

“Hopeful for what?” you may ask. That something new might be available today. That maybe — just maybe — my level of consciousness had risen, even slightly, from the day before.

And it had.

That’s the kind of HOPE I wish for you, especially if you’re struggling to live the beautiful life’s dream that’s quietly calling you.

Never underestimate HOPE. It is powerful and life-giving.

This is the third message in a little series I’m creating. If you missed the first two, you can catch up [here].

In each one, I’m trying to point you toward your true nature. And I promise you — it’s the best direction to look in.

I'm so glad if something in this message touched you or woke you up to HOPE.

It could be just what you needed, and you already feel a little lighter.

But if you’re longing for more support…

If you're ready to reconnect with the LOVE and WISDOM within you — and let that quiet, powerful force of HOPE guide your dream into reality — I’d be honored to walk beside you.

This is why I created Dream Unfolding — a six-week, petite yet powerful 1:1 coaching experience for those who feel that now is the time to follow the quiet calling of their heart.

It’s about clarity.

About fresh insight.

And about the deep trust that your dream — whatever it is right now — didn’t come to you by accident.

πŸ’« 3 transformative sessions
πŸ’« A loving, clear space just for you and what matters most
πŸ’« A steady, supportive guide by your side

I’ve intentionally limited this space to just 4 new clients in March & April to keep it personal and deeply focused. Right now, 2 spots are still available.

If this feels like it might be for you, simply send me an email with the subject line "Dream Unfolding" to: πŸ“© [email protected]

Share a few honest lines about your dream and where you’re currently at. I’ll reply with all the details about the program and how to book it.

Let’s create a loving space together where your dream can unfold…

And where you can take your next step with clarity and ease.

Much love,
Shailia βœ¨πŸ’–


50% Complete

Two Step

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