You are alive. Act like it.

Oct 15, 2024


Hey Dear Reader!! 😊

This message comes to you with the most loving 💖intentions ...


Yes, we're all alive—I know that sounds obvious. But so many people aren’t truly living.

They sit at their desks, stressing about making money instead of stepping outside to hunt for butterflies 🦋 and inspiration. Or they focus on their problems with their partner instead of suggesting something fun to do together.

I’ve had sooooo many conversations with my clients this year about what it means to come alive and why it matters.

Coming alive means stepping out of your head and into the present moment, embracing the wonder-full world around you. 🌍 It’s taking a moment to breathe in gratitude, sky-watch, or collect colorful rocks. 🎨

My clients have gone salsa dancing and house-sitting this year in Barcelona and London. One even jumped into the Rhine River and floated to an art gallery, her clothes safely tucked in a dry bag.

I’ve sunbathed and swum with clients, discussing their life goals and business strategies between picnics. 🥗

Being alive and present in life (outside your head) is vital for your well-being as a magical, divine human. For a ‘soulpreneur,’ aliveness is business gold—it recharges your creative energy and gets your ideas flowing again. 💫

BEING ALIVE is simply the best!!

It’s available to everyone ... right now.

How will you come alive today? Write back and let me know!

So much love,
Shailia ❤️


Upcoming Opportunities to
Collaborate and Connect

Private Coaching: Embrace Your Aliveness! 🌟

I’m currently accepting private coaching clients. If you want to step into your aliveness in your life or business, I invite you to a complimentary call. It’s an excellent opportunity to clarify your goals and desires and explore whether coaching with me fits you on your journey. Let’s connect and see how we can spark your creativity and bring your dreams to life!

You can click here to schedule your appointment:

Finding Peace in Times of Chaos (3PCG Event Nov. '24)

In a world seeking peace, those who embrace the 3 Principles view them as the universal solution. Raising consciousness fills our hearts with love and guides us toward healing. At this event, you'll connect with practitioners and organizations promoting community consciousness and peace, sharing insights on how the 3 Principles guide their efforts.

I’ll be representing "3P in Africa" alongside Harry Derbitsky, Jim Beck, and Mark Williams, all original students of Sydney Banks. We hope you’ll join us for this transformative three-day online event organized by the 3PCG!

Join us and make a difference—register for the event today!






I felt most live this week after a CrossFit training session...



... and holding a class on "The Role of Thought" in Nyarugugu village, Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Uganda.


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