Lighter Life Letters :: Blogbeiträge

The Best Job in the Whole World

May 03, 2024

Hello, dear Reader; I hope you are healthy and thriving!

This week felt like such a blessing.

Mother Nature showered her splendor upon the fields, the forest, and the flowers, turning the landscape into a sea of green.

While 'Mind,' the deeper Intelligence behind life, showered insights onto so many people I came into contact with this week.

That’s the beauty of this job called 'Transformative Coaching' …

It’s someone coming in feeling like they’ve got a serious addiction they have to manage with more restrictions and discipline ... and seeing them realize there’s nothing wrong with them, feel happier, and make healthier choices effortlessly.

It's hearing a WhatsApp message and feeling so much joy as a client giddily shares they went dancing for the first time in ages, having been stuck in a state of exhaustion for years.

Witnessing her wake up to the illusion of her stressful thinking, fall into presence, connect with the deeper intelligence, and then...


You Are Society: Change Yourself ...

Mar 22, 2024

Hello dear Reader,

It’s easy to look out into the world and feel disheartened by what we see – ungrateful people, excessive consumption, too little compassion, too much noise (in the media, your industry, wherever).

Sydney Banks who discovered the ‘3 Principles’ said it simply:

“You are society. Change yourself and the world will change.”

If this is true, then these things must also hold true …

If you want more peace and less conflict, find peace within yourself. Expand your capacity to love if you yearn for a more loving world. If you crave more signal and less noise, quiet your mind.

One path toward this is engaging in meaningful conversations that reveal our true essence – sometimes I call it 'listening to Truth'.

That's precisely what yesterday's watch party was about – hearing Sydney Banks' first student, Elsie Spittle, share her journey of overcoming depression and anger to discover her true worthiness



Du bist die Gesellschaft

Mar 22, 2024

Hallo liebe Leserin, hallo lieber Leser,

Es ist einfach, in die Welt hinauszuschauen und sich entmutigt zu fühlen von dem, was wir sehen – undankbare Menschen, übermäßiger Konsum, zu wenig Mitgefühl, zu viel Lärm.

Sydney Banks, Entdecker der '3 Prinzipien', drückte es sehr einfach aus:

"Du bist die Gesellschaft. Verändere dich selbst und die Welt wird sich verändern."

Wenn das wahr ist, dann muss das auch wahr sein ...

  • Wenn du mehr Frieden und weniger Konflikte willst, finde Frieden in dir selbst.
  • Wenn du dir eine liebevollere Welt wünschst, erweitere deine eigene Fähigkeit zu lieben
  • Wenn du mehr klare Signale und weniger Lärm wünschst, beruhige deinen Geist.

Ein Weg dazu ist, sich in 'transformative Gespräche' zu vertiefen, die unsere wahre Essenz aufdecken – ich nenne das manchmal 'Wahrheit lauschen'.

Genau darum ging es gestern bei unserer 'Watch Party' in der Transformative Coaching Clinic ...


"Deep Listening" Online Workshop with Mavis Karn

Sep 21, 2021
Online Workshop Invitation:  "Deep Listening" with Mavis Karn
Date: September 24, 2021
Time: 11 am US Eastern Time | 5 pm Central European Time

ℹ Please follow the link below for 
information about the workshop >>
Deep Listening – Online Workshop
In the space of loving presence, calmness and clarity appear.
Experience the transformative power of deep listening.
Listening with nothing on your mind, listening from a higher state of awareness: Deep listening has the power to impact lives and change the world.
At this event, you'll get ...
  • 4 hours of LIVE immersion into the art of deep listening
  • impulses, reflections & exercises to learn this way of tuning in
  • a talk by and interaction with our guest speaker Mavis Karn
  • to participate in English (with direct translation into German)
  • access to the workshop from your desktop or mobile...

Lea's "My Secret Life" Story

Aug 10, 2021

Secret life: Lea thought that constantly analyzing herself would solve her problems. She went from stress to too much alcohol and excessive shopping to finally finding peace of mind and an on-going sense of ease.

Believing that happiness lies in the understanding of all things, as a young adult Lea began analyzing everything. She analyzed her family history and its apparent effect on her. She analyzed her own personality traits and behaviors.

She analyzed life in general, down to the smallest detail.

This led to constant thinking and the overuse of her analytical mind – an innocent and common misunderstanding about what helps. As this did not support her in finding a solution to her stressful everyday life, she only felt even more pressure inside.

Bad habits such as heavy drinking and excessive shopping followed.

And so, she started working even more intensively on herself. She tried self-awareness techniques, spiritual methodologies, and various...


Shailia's "My Secret Life" Story

Aug 10, 2021

Secret life: Shailia was an advancing Online Marketing Strategist with a hidden inner life of pressure, stress, and chronic pain ... and a misunderstanding about job changes and the source of ease and grace.

A friendly demeanor, a positive outlook, and a go-getter attitude – this is how Shailia showed up to life and was seen by superiors, co-workers, clients, and friends.

On the outside, things seemed crystal clear: Shailia was easily climbing the career ladder and had found her sweet spot in work and life. On the inside, she was "crashing" every night at home and experiencing overwhelm, exhaustion as well as terrifying panic attacks.

She could hardly sleep, her mind plagued by recurring thoughts, and her body under the duress of chronic pain due to stress, often accompanied by a fear of death.

For years she was convinced that a job or career change would solve her problems – but everything caught up with her. In this interview, Shailia...


Are you in life, being who you really are? Or are up in your head?

May 21, 2021


A few years back, while taking part in a 3P coach training, I was sitting with another participant on a couch in a beautiful hotel.

We’d already been training together for over six months and had been asked to pair up for one last reflection on the last day of the program.

She went first.

And before long I had the feeling that the person in front of me was an entirely other person than the one I had spoken many times before.

She was so different that it shocked me. I even found myself saying:
„I feel like I’m really seeing you for the first time since we met.“

To which she replied:
„Shailia, that’s because every time we talked before, I wasn’t really with you. I was up in my head watching shitty movies about myself and you.“

Immediately I understood she’d seen something about Thought, and it had catapulted her back into presence, back into life. And there she was.

I was starkly reminded of this story as Lea and I were...


Want to hear our Czech Talk?

May 07, 2021

Here in Europe, Spring has arrived. The flowers and trees are blooming in full expression of the life force.

In celebration of the new season, we thought it’d be fun to share a talk with you that we recently gave at a 3P Academy in the Czech Republic (led by Martin Jotov, our beloved colleague and friend).
As so often, this talk contains two languages in one recording: one-half English (our talk) and one-half Czech (the translation of our talk).
We keep sending these mixed language videos to you because:
  1. We believe they're very impactful.
  2. Despite the initial irritation, people are loving them.
  3. You’ve told us that the slowed-down pace and the concise wording have affected you on a deeper level.
So, why change a winning concept ;-)
Enjoy to the fullest and may insight hit you like a ton of bricks (without any of the usual pain), …
… as we share our personal transformational stories and speak about realizing the power of Mind,...

Do you want to see the whole elephant?

Apr 29, 2021

For the past three months, we've had the pleasure to welcome the wonderful Dr. Amy Johnson, founder of the "Little School of BIG Change", as a guest speaker on our "Insight Circle".
One thing that stuck with all of us was her story of the "whole elephant" and the "hot stove" as metaphors for gaining insight into unwanted habits, addictive behavior, and even anxiety.
Even if it might seem strange to you as an English-speaker to hear the German translation as Amy is talking, this direct translation method has a fascinating side effect.
It slows down the speaker considerably, and the mind of the listener is allowed to slow down as well.
The speaker is (even more) focused on the essence of what wants to be said, and your chances of hearing something new and helpful increase.
In any case, we hope you enjoy hearing about the "whole elephant" and the "hot stove".

So much love,
Lea & Shailia

Sonja's journey to a life fully lived

Mar 19, 2021

Today, we'd love to show you the power of this understanding called the "3 Principles" by sharing Sonja's story.
Sonja experienced a very difficult childhood and faced enormous life challenges as an adult. And even after years of therapy, there were still some issues she struggled with and wasn’t able to change.
She just couldn't live her life as fully as she wanted to, because her everyday experience was still dictated by fear and insecurity.
Sonja came to us, hoping to finally find peace from her past and her fears ... and be able to live a free, creative and connected life.
This understanding changed everything for her.
"I feel such incredible gratitude. I'm glad wisdom led me to reach out to you.
It's changed my life ... in one week. My life has changed dramatically.
And I get to keep all that. I get to live from that place."
During a one-week online retreat, Sonja gained a totally new perspective on past traumas,...
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