Lighter Life Letters :: Blogbeiträge

Our relationship to the snow in the globe

Aug 06, 2020

How are things in your neck of the woods?

Here in Europe, we're having a fabulously warm summer – at least, for the most part.

Today we're taking a "3P Moment" to explore an intrinsically wintery environment: We're looking at the inside workings of a snow globe.

Probably just like you, we've heard many beautiful metaphors about "The Principle of Thought". However, the snow globe really stood out to us.

And in today's audio, we share our interpretation of this metaphor and explain how it can support us in navigating through life with more ease, clarity, and simplicity.

We hope you enjoy it and you'll be hearing from us next week.

Much love,
Shailia Stephens & Lea Wernli


This "3P Moment" is an excerpt from our last "Totally Human – 3 Day Online Retreat".

Would you like to deepen your 3P understanding?
Click here to find out more >>


Finding Mind in the Sky

Jul 30, 2020

Hi, how are you?

We're still very much enjoying the beautiful summer sunshine.

In this week's "3P Moments with Lea & Shailia", we continue to explore the "Principle of Mind".

What we've noticed over the last years is, that while the "Principle of Thought" is usually easy for most people to grasp rather quickly, the "Principle of Mind" can be a bit more elusive.

Perhaps because we get so caught up in our thinking, that the feeling and the miracle of the aliveness of life get veiled for a time.

Here's the thing, you won't get it intellectually .
But you're very likely to find the feeling of it in everyday miracles.

That's why this audio is best enjoyed while lying in the grass somewhere, looking up.

This "3P Moment" is an excerpt from our last "Totally Human" 3 Day Online Retreat.

We hope you enjoy it and you'll be hearing from us again next week.

Much love,
Shailia Stephens & Lea Wernli


We are alive

Jul 23, 2020

Hey, how have you been? We've been thinking about you.
Most of our team is enjoying their summer holiday at the moment.
But we still wanted to take a few moments to share some moments of insight with you. This is what it looks like ...
In the next few weeks, we're going to share a weekly inspiration with you. Things we've seen about this understanding of life and being human called the 3 Principles.
We hope these moments of insight will sweeten your summer and help you to see more for yourself.
This week, Lea is kicking us off by sharing her thoughts and insights about a quote from Dicken Bettinger: "We are alive."
It sounds so simple, but actually it holds so much depth.
(BTW: This "3P Moment" is a snippet from our last "Totally Human" 3 Day Online Retreat.)
Enjoy and you'll be hearing from us again next week.
Much love,
Lea Wernli & Shailia Stephens
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