Lighter Life Letters :: Blogbeiträge

Sonja's journey to a life fully lived

Mar 19, 2021

Today, we'd love to show you the power of this understanding called the "3 Principles" by sharing Sonja's story.
Sonja experienced a very difficult childhood and faced enormous life challenges as an adult. And even after years of therapy, there were still some issues she struggled with and wasn’t able to change.
She just couldn't live her life as fully as she wanted to, because her everyday experience was still dictated by fear and insecurity.
Sonja came to us, hoping to finally find peace from her past and her fears ... and be able to live a free, creative and connected life.
This understanding changed everything for her.
"I feel such incredible gratitude. I'm glad wisdom led me to reach out to you.
It's changed my life ... in one week. My life has changed dramatically.
And I get to keep all that. I get to live from that place."
During a one-week online retreat, Sonja gained a totally new perspective on past traumas, life, and being a human bein

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