Hello dear Reader,
It’s easy to look out into the world and feel disheartened by what we see – ungrateful people, excessive consumption, too little compassion, too much noise (in the media, your industry, wherever).
Sydney Banks who discovered the ‘3 Principles’ said it simply:
If this is true, then these things must also hold true …
If you want more peace and less conflict, find peace within yourself. Expand your capacity to love if you yearn for a more loving world. If you crave more signal and less noise, quiet your mind.
One path toward this is engaging in meaningful conversations that reveal our true essence – sometimes I call it 'listening to Truth'.
That's precisely what yesterday's watch party was about – hearing Sydney Banks' first student, Elsie Spittle, share her journey of overcoming depression and anger to discover her true worthiness
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Believing that happiness lies in the understanding of all things, as a young adult Lea began analyzing everything. She analyzed her family history and its apparent effect on her. She analyzed her own personality traits and behaviors.
She analyzed life in general, down to the smallest detail.
This led to constant thinking and the overuse of her analytical mind – an innocent and common misunderstanding about what helps. As this did not support her in finding a solution to her stressful everyday life, she only felt even more pressure inside.
Bad habits such as heavy drinking and excessive shopping followed.
And so, she started working even more intensively on herself. She tried self-awareness techniques, spiritual methodologies, and various...
A friendly demeanor, a positive outlook, and a go-getter attitude – this is how Shailia showed up to life and was seen by superiors, co-workers, clients, and friends.
On the outside, things seemed crystal clear: Shailia was easily climbing the career ladder and had found her sweet spot in work and life. On the inside, she was "crashing" every night at home and experiencing overwhelm, exhaustion as well as terrifying panic attacks.
She could hardly sleep, her mind plagued by recurring thoughts, and her body under the duress of chronic pain due to stress, often accompanied by a fear of death.
For years she was convinced that a job or career change would solve her problems – but everything caught up with her. In this interview, Shailia...
A few years back, while taking part in a 3P coach training, I was sitting with another participant on a couch in a beautiful hotel.
We’d already been training together for over six months and had been asked to pair up for one last reflection on the last day of the program.
She went first.
And before long I had the feeling that the person in front of me was an entirely other person than the one I had spoken many times before.
She was so different that it shocked me. I even found myself saying:
„I feel like I’m really seeing you for the first time since we met.“
To which she replied:
„Shailia, that’s because every time we talked before, I wasn’t really with you. I was up in my head watching shitty movies about myself and you.“
Immediately I understood she’d seen something about Thought, and it had catapulted her back into presence, back into life. And there she was.
I was starkly reminded of this story as Lea and I were...
Here in Europe, Spring has arrived. The flowers and trees are blooming in full expression of the life force.
Diese Woche waren Lea Wernli und ich zu Gast im „Expert-Talk“ bei Angelika Buchmayer, einer exzellenten Netzwerkerin, die mit viel Herz, Klarheit und Integrität die richtigen Menschen zusammenführt. Wir sprachen mit ihr über unseren neuen Online-Kongress „Mein geheimes Leben“, über unsere „secret lives“ und die „3 Prinzipien“ für mehr Leichtigkeit und entspannten Erfolg.
Lea und ich bemerkten nämlich vor einiger Zeit als wir gemeinsam durch den Wald liefen, dass nicht nur wir viele Jahre lang eine Art „Doppelleben“ geführt haben, sondern auch etliche unserer KundInnen.
Wir alle glaubten, dass etwas mit uns nicht stimme und wir damit ziemlich alleine wären. Und so versteckten wir unsere „unperfekten“ Seiten vor der Welt, weil man darüber...
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